Congratulations to my friend Mr Ashoke Vashodia, one of the partners of Matchbox Pictures on his debut as Producer of ‘ Andhadhoon “,
It’s a black murder mystery film full of suspense, thrill & dark comedy.
Director Sriram Raghavan’s mastery & vision in keeping the audience gripped to their seats with intricate screenplay, making unpredictable twists and turns in the story board makes the film a must watch to all moviegoers.
Acting of all the casts is very natural & commendable, along with the songs and piano music breezes through the film.
Directed by - Sriram Raghavan
Produced by - Viacom Motion Pictures & Matchbox Pictures
Written by - Sriram Raghavan, Ajit Biswas, Pooja Laddha Surti, Yogesh Chandekar & Hemant Rao
Starring - Ayushmann Khurana, Tabu, Radhika Apte, Anil Dhawan
Music by - Amit Trivedi
Cinematographer - K U Mohanan
Edited by - Pooja Ladha Surti